December 10, 2023

What Do You See Through Your Windshield?

Dear Uncommon Leaders, 

I hope you've had some time to glance over your last year and make note of what went well, and what maybe didn't go as well as you'd hoped. Reflection is a powerful tool!

As we wrap up the final weeks of the year, I hope you will likewise take some time to look ahead and plan for a successful 2024.

Hope you are enjoying this holiday season! Have a great week!

Your Sunday Nugget

This Week's Question:

What do you want to be different or better in 2024?

This Week's Challenge: 

There are a lot of different views or feelings on goals and resolutions around the new year. Data shows that many people set New Year Resolutions only to start strong and then go right back to normal. We don’t want to be like those people, do we?

There is a practice I like to do near the end of the year. After reflecting about what I’d like to change in my life based on my results over the past year, I take a day, out of the office somewhere, to update my goals and development plan. I also imagine myself one year from now, on this same day, doing the same planning activity, and I ask myself what I would I like to be different this time next year. This little exercise helps me get clear on what goals I need to set for the upcoming year and what activities or events I need to schedule. I begin putting those in my calendar deep into the upcoming year. A goal on a sheet of paper is of some value but an activity scheduled on a calendar is really where change begins.

Your challenge this week is to find a free afternoon, go to a coffee shop or a place where you can think and do this for yourself. Look through the windshield of the year ahead and imagine how it will be a year of tremendous progress for you.

The next few Sunday Nuggets will be from our archives as we wrap up the year and focus on our families during the next couple of weeks. We will return with a fresh new Sunday Nugget in January.

I hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season! We are grateful for each of you!

This Week's Quote to Ponder:

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” -Peter Drucker

Until next week,


W. Kevin Harrison

Founder and Executive Coach

Uncommon Influence

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